Fourth-Level Modern Hebrew I - The Hebrew Graphic Novel: Word, Image, and Israeli Culture


In this course, we will explore Israeli humor by looking at a wide spectrum of sources in Hebrew including literature, cinema, television, theater, and the internet. We will consider its Jewish sources and the impact its unique historical and geographical setting may have had on its development. The sources will be chosen in such a way as to make them accessible to a 400 level student. The emphasis in the class will be on developing students' Hebrew writing abilities, as well as their communicative skills in general. The course will emphasize the use and production of Hebrew. Writing assignments will begin slowly starting with transcribing short videos and short responses and then move to longer writing assignments as students gain more confidence in their writing. The class will also include group work and short presentations about various topics related to Humor and comedy in Israel There is no requirement to be funny in order to take the course. But it might help. PREREQ: Grade of B- or better in L74 401W Fourth-Level Modern Hebrew I or placement by examination.
Course Attributes: AS HUM; AS LCD; AS LS; AS WI I; EN H; BU Hum

Section 01

Fourth-Level Modern Hebrew I - The Hebrew Graphic Novel: Word, Image, and Israeli Culture
View Course Listing - FL2023
View Course Listing - FL2024