30 Years After Oslo - Former Ambassador Daniel Kurtzer Visits JIMES

Daniel Kurtzer, the former US Ambassador to Egypt (1997 - 2001) and Israel (2001 - 2005), provided a reflection on the process of bringing about the 1993 Oslo Accords.

On September 28, 2023, former US Ambassador Daniel Kurtzer provided a guided conversation on the road to and legacy of the September 13, 1993 Oslo Accords. Co-sponsored by the JIMES department and the Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis, with participation from WashU Hillel, the event had an attendance of almost 100 individuals, including students, faculty, and the public; aided by a robust Q&A and active audience, the conversation provided depth and nuance while also reflecting the changes in ambassador Kurtzer's own views.

Beyond the scheduled event, ambassador Kurtzer also took the time to visit the classroom for JIMES's L75 373, "Topics in Near Eastern Cultures: Arabs in Israel: Politics, Society, & Citizenship" to speak directly with the students and field their questions related to the content of the course (and take a few pictures).